Jagan Sankaranarayananジャガン

Ph.D., 2008

Contact Information

Mail: Google Inc
Mountain View, CA

Biography & Research

I work at Google on their data infrastructure team. In my previous life, I was the department head of the data management group at NEC Labs America. I got my doctoral degree in Computer Science from the University of Maryland in 2008. My Ph.D. advisor was Prof. Hanan Samet. I got my bachelor's degree from RVCE, Bangalore. I mainly work on database management problems related to GIS, big data, analytics, and mobility. I have received a few awards for my PhD and subsequent work.

This year I am the PC co-chair of ACM SIGPATIAL GIS 2014 and publicity co-chair of ACM SIGMOD 2015. I am also in the editorial board of Distributed and Parallel Databases journal.

Publications [DBLP] [Patents] [Google Scholar]

Miscellaneous Links (old demos mostly)
  1. Distance oracle demo by Shangfu Peng (~2015) http://sametnginx.umiacs.umd.edu/oracle/demo.html
  2. Video special made by Communications of the ACM on NewsStand (~2014)

  3. If you like news, here is a news channel powered by Twitterstand technology (~2009). Goal is to automatically extract breaking news from Twitter.

  4. Loose quadtree demo (video) by Michael Auerbach (~2013). This data structure is good for high rates of updates like in Games.

  5. Newsstand allows you to read news on a map. Zoom into any part of the world and real local news (~2008). http://newsstand.umiacs.umd.edu